About Me

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I enjoy writing; especially in an attempt to express myself through poetry. I love to read anything that tries to break down the walls of society and dismantled the common known truths. I enjoy watching documentaries on nature, conspiracy theories, history and science. I ride, compete and teach how to ride Paso Fino horses which is a breed between the Spanish Barbs from North Africa, and smooth-gaited Spanish Jennets (now extinct as a breed) These horses have a full collection, with a very slow forward speed. The footfall is extremely rapid while the steps and extension are exceedingly short. It is an evenly-spaced four-beat lateral gait with each foot contacting the ground independently in a regular sequence at precise intervals creating a rapid, unbroken rhythm. The most exciting part about this breed its their character, which they are known to have a lot of brio; they are extremely attentive, nervous and fast responders to any movements made by the rider or their surroundings. Which is what most fascinates me about the Paso Fino horse, because it forces me to be in complete awareness that I am mounting a powerful animal that has a mind of its own.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Class Experience

By attending 2009’s fall semester at MDC, and taking a course in Introduction to Technological Education; I have learned the importance of understanding the purpose of becoming a teacher. I have learned, to listen to what my insight is responding to a class discussion on types of philosophy of education, I objectively analyzed perennialism, essentialism, progressive education, existentialism, social reconstruction and pragmatism/experimentalism and came to the conclusion that regardless of the educator’s philosophy on the method of teaching, it lays the importance sense of the educator to be aware of the current state we live on. Human beings, are in an oppressed society where they do not use their inner wisdom, only using primal senses. We have not tapped into our inner wisdom to its maxed. Therefore, for an individual to become a teacher, a guide into the innate, a sense of a higher responsibility should take into place. That is to be as awake as much as a being can be. Applying critical thinking to every action educators take at all times, not only inside of a classroom, but outside of the classroom As educators we need to tap into our wisdom and allow the flow of white light and radiate its light at all time. If a teaching profession is chosen, the individual shall understand fully the magnificent energy it holds. This energy has endless possibility to turn into a sour lemon or a sweet melon. We hold the keys to another being’s creation. It is important to be awake in the world we live on and begin to awake everyone else. One way I propose is to hold seminar using the transpersonal lesson plan and promote it through out the community so everybody can be involved in society’s molding. I have also learned about behaviorist lesson plan that is more of direct teaching and no collaborative learning; I have also learned about constructivist lesson plan where its integrated with collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning and is more student oriented, which I like very much.

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