About Me

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I enjoy writing; especially in an attempt to express myself through poetry. I love to read anything that tries to break down the walls of society and dismantled the common known truths. I enjoy watching documentaries on nature, conspiracy theories, history and science. I ride, compete and teach how to ride Paso Fino horses which is a breed between the Spanish Barbs from North Africa, and smooth-gaited Spanish Jennets (now extinct as a breed) These horses have a full collection, with a very slow forward speed. The footfall is extremely rapid while the steps and extension are exceedingly short. It is an evenly-spaced four-beat lateral gait with each foot contacting the ground independently in a regular sequence at precise intervals creating a rapid, unbroken rhythm. The most exciting part about this breed its their character, which they are known to have a lot of brio; they are extremely attentive, nervous and fast responders to any movements made by the rider or their surroundings. Which is what most fascinates me about the Paso Fino horse, because it forces me to be in complete awareness that I am mounting a powerful animal that has a mind of its own.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Intelligence Is A Number: One

Somehow among human beings there is hypocrisy that walks the streets.
It’s like a whore! Opens its legs and hides its face. Sometimes it shows its rosy cheeks and puckered lips to get close to you to kill you with a kiss.
White supremacy dances against the wind; it wants to be the leader and control on every step it takes.
Forcing Spanish Indians, Mexicans, Jews, Russians, Hungarians, Italians and Negroes into an assigned dance floor, stamped; numbered.
White supremacists choose to deny other cultures. From the beginning of time, they have established a foundation based on ignorance, which is ironic. If we dissect the word ignorance, it comes down to an action to ignore. Human beings are not built to ignore, they are in fact here to immerse in the deep waters of the given land in an attempt to understand its own kind. White supremacists believe everyone that are not they, are no worthy of plunging into the royal blue sea in search for mother pearl; instead they herd beings right into a cesspool. We are boxed in and be given a placebo life; where we think we are in control but in reality we are sheep. We do as we are told. We behave just like they want us to; we conform. We stay still in mud.
It is time to rise out of these cloudy waters and slide right into an ice-skating ring to beautiful take on the land we were given to share, as brothers. Put an end to a story of being puppets and begin to create light entwined with magical tree branches to lift us to the highest potential of creation.
United we are one. We must reach out for our inner wisdom and be One.

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