About Me

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I enjoy writing; especially in an attempt to express myself through poetry. I love to read anything that tries to break down the walls of society and dismantled the common known truths. I enjoy watching documentaries on nature, conspiracy theories, history and science. I ride, compete and teach how to ride Paso Fino horses which is a breed between the Spanish Barbs from North Africa, and smooth-gaited Spanish Jennets (now extinct as a breed) These horses have a full collection, with a very slow forward speed. The footfall is extremely rapid while the steps and extension are exceedingly short. It is an evenly-spaced four-beat lateral gait with each foot contacting the ground independently in a regular sequence at precise intervals creating a rapid, unbroken rhythm. The most exciting part about this breed its their character, which they are known to have a lot of brio; they are extremely attentive, nervous and fast responders to any movements made by the rider or their surroundings. Which is what most fascinates me about the Paso Fino horse, because it forces me to be in complete awareness that I am mounting a powerful animal that has a mind of its own.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lesson Plan Reflection - Motivation

As human beings, we are habitants of one of the eight planets of the solar system. Our planet goes around the sun accompanied by three other smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars which are primarily composed by rock and metal. The outer other four planets are composed largely of hydrogen and helium, known as gas giants. Our physical bodies can live on Earth because it is mainly composed of hydrogen, helium, oxygen and carbon which are suitable elements for providing us with the main things needed to survive: food, water, shelter and oxygen. We also have another advantage to our existence, which is how perfectly Mother Earth is distance from the sun since this star’s core can reached up to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. As human beings evolved, this information began to surface. It has taken centuries for our species to process these facts; there are a lot more inquiries that we continue to investigate in an attempt to learn what these are and properly understand them in order to apply what is found to the benefit of our specie’s survival. An educator plays a big role in our society as he/she is part of the process of attaining and distributing the knowledge to secure human beings existence. The importance of this should motivate educators to understand well their subject of teaching in order to explain to their pupils in different forms their lesson plan; taking in consideration the five different ways of learning: verbal, visual, tactile, kinesthetic, and aural. In a lesson plan, an educator recognizes and summarizes the importance of the topic to be instructed to and learned by the students. He/she writes down the procedures to follow as a guide for him/her to walk the students through the process of understanding the intent of the subjects’ material. Giving the educator time to organize in their mind the knowledge to be taught and helping them guide the classroom to achieve understanding as he/she writes down what it is expected from the students; what they are going to do in order to comprehend the lesson, and how is he/she is going to demonstrate its knowledge. It is imperative for educators to know their importance they play in molding the children of their own world and this can be accomplished by a well put lesson plan.


  1. Where is your lesson plan reflection?

  2. This is my reflection on what a lesson plan is. I have changed the title.

  3. Ok, it took you awhile to get to the point
